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A pirates life for us! A brief history of rum...

Cornwall is a place with a rich history of folk lore and magic. Hugged by a rugged coast line, much of our history and myth looks to the sea. The Cornish people are sea farers and smugglers, pirates and sailors. We hope that our rum stands up that frequently smuggled into our home town of Bude.

Rum was and is the drink of the sea farers, from members of her majesty’s navy to smugglers and pirates. Rum was the drink of choice. Right up until as late as the 1970’s members of the Navy were issued a tot of rum in the morning. This practice ended with the last tot given out to the sorrow of many a sailor, in July of 1970. 

Morvenna Spiced Cornish rum and tonic drink

The term proof is said to have roots back to the sea. These days, it is what most of us use to gauge the alcohol content of a drink and for some to gauge how many you can have of an evening down the pub. As a student I myself became well acquainted with the concept. But the term’s origins are much more interesting than simple arithmetic. You see, there was nothing worse for a sailor than to be issued watered-down rum.

To test to make sure it was the real stuff, they’d mix it with gunpowder. The concoction would only light if it was higher than about 57 percent alcohol—a ratio that earned the distinction of “overproof.” Rum explodes and there’s you proof that you’ve been given rum that’s the real deal. Rum won’t explode? It’s underproof. Of course, now, most of us are not sailors or pirates and as such much of the rum (and other spirits) on the market are closer to 40% than 60% with spirits of 57% or higher often being declared “sailors proof”.

We offer as spiced and white rum at a much more easily drinkable 40% though if you do find yourself on the high seas and looking for a little something to warm you cockles or Kalkar coffee rum might be just the thing you’re looking for with the warming kick of rum mixed with a cold brew coffee guaranteed to keep you awake.

Explore the range. 


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