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Christmas Leftovers

When Christmas day is over you might be wondering what to do with all the leftover turkey, veg, or even mince pies. But instead of throwing food away or freezing it, to be forgotten about until next year, why not try these quick and easy recipes.

Bubble & Squeak

This was a staple in my house growing up, as my mum would make this to use up any veg that got lost in the veg draw. All you have to do is peel and grate any left over veg you want to add, don’t forget the sprouts. Pop these into a sieve and squeeze out any liquid. Then add the veg to a bowl and throw in some seasoning and chopped garlic and 2 eggs. Now its time to get hands stuck in, shape the mixture into a few patties, (number of patties depends on how much mixture you have). Put some gravy on to simmer and add slices of turkey or ham to this until it heats through. Heat a little oil in a pan and fry the patties until golden on each side. Add these on a plate and place the meat and gravy on top. Enjoy! 

Red Cabbage, Chorizo & Potato Hash

Potato hash is an oldie but a goodie, but why not try adding red cabbage and Chorizo into it. Boil some potatoes until they are tender, then drain these well. Melt some butter in a shallow pan and fry the cabbage until it has softened. Finely slice the chorizo and add this to a pan along with the potatoes. Crush the potatoes down then mix everything together. Cook to crisp the top and heat through. You could also dab a little butter on the other side and grill it to crisp it up further. Once golden, you can eat it with left over meat or on its own. 

Boozy Mince Pie Rocky Roads

This is a recipe that I discovered a few years ago and now I make them every year. Melt some chocolate in a bain-marie or in short bursts in the microwave. Once it’s melted, take off the heat and add in a measure of your favorite rum to give these rocky roads a kick. Then crumble in some mince pies and any other Christmas treats you have to hand. I like to add in shortbread, Maltesers and glazed cherries. Mix everything together and transfer to a lined baking tray. Pop in the fridge for 2 hours or until its set, then cut into 16 pieces. You could also add a dusting of icing sugar on top for that extra festive feel. 

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Image by:    Written by: Zoe Martin 

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