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How to create the perfect British charcuterie board

An easy and delicious crowd pleaser, the charcuterie board has long been an impressive dinner party go-to, appetiser, or the ideal Friday night supper requiring minimal effort in the kitchen (and washing up)!
The rise and rise of British charcuterie means that it's easier than ever to find delicious artisan cured meats that are made in the UK.
One such creator of award-winning British charcuterie is Cornish Charcuterie, who creates artisan salami, chorizo, pâtés and rillettes right here at Norton Barton Artisan Food Village, using home-reared British Lop pigs. 
We asked the team at Cornish Charcuterie for their top three tips for creating the perfect charcuterie board:

Element one: the cured meat

Artisan british charcuterie and cured meat seaweed and cider salami from Cornish Charcuterie
It goes without saying, you need charcuterie to be involved on a charcuterie board, and with some much wonderful British charcuterie available you can try some really interesting flavours that can't be found in the supermarket.
A best-selling salami, the Seaweed & Cider salami was created to evoke the flavours of Cornwall. The combination of cider and seaweed creates a depth of flavour that provides a slight sweetness equalled with an umami savoury profile. This is a really distinctive and special salami, made the traditional way and matured for up to eight weeks.
How about going for a Spanish themed board and adding some classic Chorizo... 
Chilli Chorizo sticks from Cornish Charcuterie
For a visually appealing charcuterie board, it's always a great idea to use a combination of shapes, sizes and textures. By combining larger slices of salami, with smaller rounds of chorizo you get an interesting mix of items that guides the eye around the charcuterie board. 
Cornish Charcuterie's classic chorizo is made from British Lop pork enhanced with the classic Spanish flavours of pepper and paprika. This is traditionally made Chorizo the British way - a shining example of artisan British charcuterie. The classic chorizo is available here.
For those preferring a bit of a chilli kick, head over to shop our Chilli Chorizo here. 

Element two: Texture variations

Mushroom pate with chilli and coriander from Cornish Charcuterie
Moving away from meat, here is an option to please both meat eaters and vegetarians alike. The addition of a 'soft charcuterie' has the dual effect of introducing a completely differen't texture, but also visually, the jar itself makes an impact introducing height and colour.  
Cornish Charcuterie's Mushroom Pâté is rich, buttery and incredibly moreish. The additions of chilli and coriander are fresh, zingy and this really is a vegetarian pâté to rival all others. Shop Mushroom Pâté here.

Element 3: The flavour vessel...

Having good quality artisan bread is always a great side addition to any charcuterie board. The soft, pillowy loaf makes a great bed for the sliced meats and pâté. However, for something really special, there is much to be said for the crisp savoury biscuit cracker. 
POPTI cornish bakehouse seaweed savoury biscuit
(Image courtesy of Kingdom & Sparrow)
The savoury biscuit range from POPTI Cornish bakehouse is made by the team at Norton Barton Artisan Food Village, without use of artificial flavourings, colourings or preservatives. The crisp biscuits are buttery, rich and perfectly seasoned.
They also look wonderful on the charcuterie board - bonus!
Finally, you'll need a bit of extra freshness and colour on your board to add vibrancy.  Sticks of celery, fresh tomatoes and a small bunch of parsley can work wonders in lifting the look of the board. 
Happy eating!
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