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Vegan & vegetarian food for entertaining

With an ever-increasing number of people moving towards a vegetarian or vegan diet, you may find yourself wondering w...

A Royal Visit for Norton Barton Artisan Food Village

For anyone who’s interested, it’s Mam as in jam not Marm as in Arm, bow from the head not from the waist, girls curts...

The perfect crackers for cheese have arrived

In a time of new and exciting food flavours and combinations from matcha tea to charcoal ice cream, you may find your...

Next Level Salted Caramel Espresso Martini

It's almost cocktail hour here at The Artisan Food Village and we have something extra special for you this week. We...

The summer is due to get a little brighter with this impending new release from The Cornish Distilling Co.

There are exciting things going on in The Cornish Distilling Co's camp here at Norton Barton as they prepare to relea...

More than a coffee spirit...

The particular coffee we use for Kalkar is made by the The Mierisch Family in Nicaragua who the team at Origin visit ...

New ways with Kalkar coffee spirit - the new spirit and tonic combination you need to try

In its sole form, Kalkar coffee spirit is simply perfect sipped on it's own with ice. However, Kalkar is a lot more v...

Cornwall Live interview Kalkar's creator, Tom Read on the move from Life guarding to distilling.

"Tom Read, 31, became the head distiller at the Cornish Distilling Company just under a year ago - a month before sta...

Step aside espresso martini...

A year in development, 100 litres of distilled Cornish rum, 300 litres of cold brewed coffee...numerous tastings (hic...

How to create the perfect British charcuterie board

An easy and delicious crowd pleaser, the charcuterie board has long been an impressive dinner party go-to, appetiser,...

Norton Barton Artisan Food Village shortlisted for British Farming Awards 2017

Finalists for the British Farming Awards were announced last Friday, and we are very pleased to have made it on to th...

National Rum Day!

Today is the day to celebrate one of the world's most historical and upcoming favourite tipples...rum!  Rum was first...
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Ordering over the festive period

Please note, any order placed now will not be dispatched until the new year.

Merry Christmas from everyone at Norton Barton!


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